The true story of an Indie therapy dog
As I was creeping along, staying close
to the wall for safety and shelter, a white car drew up near me. Out came two ladies with bowls of
food and water in their hands! I half started to run, and then I saw their kind
faces and heard their gentle voices. I was a little nervous. But I was also
hungry. I ate until I could eat no more, and then they said “See you tomorrow”.
Hope springs eternal in the doggy breast! Please come! My eyes pleaded, Please
come. I learned afterwards that these ladies
had seen me at night some weeks ago. For some reason, they said, they were
haunted by the sight of me, alone, mangy and starving. And they spent weeks
looking for me. However, our paths never crossed.
But when they had nearly given up – they
saw me!! And my life changed forever. And
so, they would come to my street corner every day, and my tummy was full at
last, and I grew to love them, and I’m sure they loved me.
Then one morning, I was in for a surprise. Another lady picked me up and took me to the hospital for treatment. My humans
were distraught when they found me missing again – but the watchman of a
nearby building told them what had happened, and they located this lady who said
she’d bring me back once my mange was cured.

And that very moment, they told me they
didn’t want to lose me again, and put me in the car and became my human family.
life had turned a new page: I was living
in a house…. “ Oh my beautiful dog …You are looking much better!” (Beautiful? Ok, I’d accept that! The whole
world is beginning to look beautiful!)). I had everything I wanted,
including new sisters to play with, who
did not growl and fight with me. Life was good, and I did everything I could to
show my family how grateful I was to them and how much I loved them.
As I grew more and more secure in my new
home, my personality started to blossom, and …. yes, I have to admit it, I
started becoming a little naughty. That happens when you’re happy, right? I
love all my sisters, but my BFF is definitely Sunshine. She’s only a year
younger than me, whereas all the others are oldies of 10 and 11. The trouble
is, she’s so tiny, she comes only halfway up my leg! We love to play, but my
family is always scared that I will hurt her, since I’m so much bigger. ME?
Hurt HER? Let me tell you, if anyone hurts anyone, it’s likely to be the other
way round. She’s got quite a temper, my
BFF, and when we play, and I irritate her, she pounces on me and screams at me
in her shrill, screechy voice – and that petrifies me! I dash off and hide
behind something until she calms down. And I don’t really like it when everyone
laughs at me – but, what’s a dog to do? There are times when I’d really love to
pick her up by the scruff of the neck and shake some sense into her! But at the
end of the day, we cuddle up together, and all our fights are forgotten!
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Therapy dog Lucky with team Animal Angels |
The first monsoon after I was adopted, I
was horrified to see one of my Mamas advancing towards me with an awful blue,
plastic thing “Look, Lucky, your raincoat!” she cooed. Raincoat?!!! No self
respecting street dog would be seen dead in a raincoat!!! We love the feel of
the rain on our fur – it makes us feel clean and fresh again! But I suppose
this is the downside of being a house dog. The ghastly blue thing was put on
me, and fastened with all kinds of strings and cords. And when it was done,
all the humans in the house kept oohing
and aahing and saying how lovely it looked. They didn’t see my sisters rolling
on the floor with laughter! I looked and felt like a fool! I racked my brains
to work out some way of getting out of this humiliating situation. And then I
got it! I just wouldn’t pee and poop outside as long as that dreadful blue
thing was on me! I’d hold it in, and I’d burst if I had to! Oh, it was tough!
But it worked! The disgusting raincoat was put away for ever, and now I go for
my walks in the rain under the protection of a huge umbrella!! Victory is sweet!
After 6 years of love and joy, a new
chapter of my life began. My family contacted the Animal Angels Foundation,
where therapy dogs help so many people, children and adults, who are
physically or mentally challenged, or sometimes just shy or insecure and need a
little love and a happy wag of the tail.
Much to my delight, I was chosen as a therapy dog, as I had a calm,
gentle temperament, and before I knew it, I was an Animal Angel under training.
My first day “on the job” was awesome! I
went with Aditi, my co-therapist, and my
family, to a school with a big
playground. On the lawns, I met a group of mentally challenged children – and
they were so interested in me! They crowded around, wanting to meet and touch
me. A few even took me for a short walk on the lead! Some of them were scared
of me, but I wagged my tail and gave them a big smile (Of course dogs can smile!) to tell them “I love you! I’m not going
to hurt you!” And slowly they understood that I was their friend.
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Therapy dog Lucky in a session with hearing impaired children |
Next, we went indoors and I met another
group of hearing impaired children. They used sign language to speak, which is
something I hadn’t seen before! They sat in a semi circle and I went from one
to the other, and they wrote their names on my back! It tickled and I smiled
even more, and wagged my tail. This was so much fun! And how they all patted
and fussed over me! I’m looking forward to meeting them again.
A few days ago, we went to a playschool,
where the children were tiny!! But they all called me by my name, and fed me
biscuits (Yummy!!!). They made greeting
cards with my picture on them, and showed them to me, and I was so proud to see
those pictures of myself!
There are so many other people, who just need a chance at being loved unconditionally and being accepted for who they are. Just like I got my chance at unconditional love, I believe, God has given me this life to spread that love, hope and happiness around me.
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Therapy dog Lucky with kindergarten children |
It’s fun to be a therapy dog! I love
having children petting me (Gently please)!
They are so happy to be with us, because
they know we are happy to see them. Sometimes, it’s a little scary when a group
of kids come rushing up, but when this happened to me, I went and stood next to
my therapist Aditi, who understood what was happening and diverted the kids. We have to trust and
depend on each other. And I know she’s always there for me.

Life is so good now! As I go to sleep at
night, I can hear the laughter of the children as they learn my name, Lucky. I
AM Lucky. This is my reality now. I live with my family who loves me, in a
home, with my sisters. I have a job that I love, and ….Slowly I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face ….. and the knowledge that I will never again
be alone.