This is just something from another site, but it is soooo true. Walking with our humans is supposed to be the most enjoyable experience for us dogs. It means more than 'just walking' or ' going out for a pee' for us. When we as pups learn to walk with our humans, we develop a strong bond (depending on how they walk with us). A confidant owner who does not pull the dog, trusts the dog, lets him sniff the place, lets him meet and play with other dogs; will never have a problem walking their dogs. I am one of the fortunate dogs who get to walk without a leash. Read this little piece on what we dogs really go through when our people do not understand our need while walking.
“Speaking of Humans”
Leash Walking - From the Dog’s Point of View
We called a few dogs together to discuss how they felt about walking on a leash with their humans. We got some interesting feedback from the other end of the leash.
“My dad is always upset with me on our walks. He keeps pulling on my leash while he’s yelling at me not to pull. And I’m like ‘hey dude...why don’t you practice what you preach?‘“
“She’s in a rush and drags me around the park every morning before work. I wish she would slow down and let me check my pee-mail once in a while.”
“I can’t seem to get it right. First they choke me, then they pinch me, and now they shock me. Do they think I know something? Honest, I don’t know anything. I wish I knew how to make them stop.” Puh-leeez somebody make them stop!”
“This is my pet peeve (ha-ha, no pun intended). She takes me for my walk while she’s on her cellphone!! She doesn’t even notice what I’m doing. I’m taking a pee, right? And she just keeps on walking and talking and meanwhile I’m hopping on one leg peeing all over the sidewalk...”
"The worst is when I see another dog and we both want to say hi. Our humans start pulling our leashes so tight we can’t even say a proper hello. And then we’re both so frustrated that one of us starts barking and lunging, and... ok I’ll be honest, it’s usually me.”
“Man that sucks. But guess what? I get to go out on a retractible leash. I can bark at all the other dogs and run up and scare people walking by. It’s a blast! I can get as far away as 20’ if I want to. And believe me I want to!”
People...are you listening?To know more about therapy dogs of Animal Angels Foundation and our work, visit our site
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